Restoring an encrypted file. File size different. File type/creator different. Backup file changed. Source file changed. The file is not backed up. Modified dates are different. Backup and source are the same. No backup file Back up stopped at Restore stopped at Back up started at Restore started at <> Stop Cancel >> Copy to >> >> Restore to >> >> Delete >> Shredding! Unable move the file to the archives folder. Creating directory… (external drive) (internal drive) Compare failed. Verifying disk… Initializing disk… Can not defragment. Disk may be crowded. Defragmented. Looking for file. Unable to create a new record for this file. Defragmenting! A file with the same name already exists on the backup disk. Replace it anyway? Can not find synchronization file on destination disk. Backup file on '^1' changed at ^0 since last backup. Replace it with the source file? The split file on the backup disk is of wrong sequence number. Comparing Verifying Writing Reading You are allowed only a limited number of backup copies of a big file in one catalog. This file is not on a backup disk. All files have been processed. Deleting old back up file. Source disk unknown! 1 Modified date, ^1, of '^0' on '^2' is more recent. Do you want to replace it with an older file from the source disk? Restoring a split file failed because there is not enough space on the destination disk. The file '^0' on destination disk is being used! Can not copy a file from an HFS disk to a non-HFS disk because the folders can not be created. click the Start button destination source There is not enough free space on destination disk to restore a split file. Backing up an oversized file. Splitting an oversized file. Joining an oversized file. Delete file '^0'? Scanning disk "^0" for modified files. Please select/insert the ^0 disk. Unable to create file on the destination disk! Backup file '^0'? Please insert next disk of split file. The disk "^0" is locked! The file '^0' is locked! Please insert another blank disk. The file '^0' is too big for the destination disk. It will be copied to multiple disks. Please insert a blank disk. The folder is not in the "^0" disk. Click the Start button or press the return key to start. Please insert the ^0 disk, or click at the drop down menu to select the ^0 disk then ^1. Deleting! Copying! Error in reading from the source disk(ID=^0)! Try again? Error in writing to the backup disk(ID=^0)! Try again? Error in deleting this file! Please insert a disk with enough free space. The source file has grown too big and has to be copied to a new disk. Please insert one. The old backup file will be deleted afterward. Creation date (^0) of backup file is different from the source file (^1). Replace it anyway? Unable to create a folder on the destination disk! Not enough free space on this disk. Please insert a new disk. File exists on destination disk. Please use a different disk. Stopped by the user. The file is not on the source disk. The backup disk is the same as the source disk! Please insert the disk "^0" into the drive. Please insert the ^0 disk, or select the ^0 disk then insert the ^1 disk "^2".